Roy Berube meanderings

Phoneme Memory Technique

Memorizing long numbers is not inherently easy. Unless someone is a savant, numbers by themselves are too abstract to stand out in the memory. I found a technique years ago that is very helpful with remembering numbers. It’s not automatic; it takes effort but is an effective way to remember long numbers. The key is to turn the numbers into a si... Read more

Sensor Monitor with a Raspberry Pi

So I had a Raspberry Pi not getting much use. I had been using it with OSMC as a video streaming device to watch on my TV, but the software was just too annoying to use for a number of reasons. So I turfed that software and installed Raspbian on the little device. The little computer needed a new purpose. I have a sump in the basement that gets... Read more

Adventures in Calculating Pi

I blame Matt Parker and his YouTube channel ‘standupmaths’. Every year on Pi day he takes on the topic, and this managed to pique my interest in how the number is calculated. Pi is an irrational number, which means it cannot be defined as a fraction and has no repeating sequence of numbers. The last time I checked, someone had calculated it to ... Read more